Historical Carnival Triumph

It all started back in February 1559, when the illustrious Cardinal of Urbino, Giulio Della Rovere (1533-78), brother of Duke Guidubaldo II, decided to spend the carnival period in his beloved town of Fossombrone and to entertain its inhabitants by organising various immascherate, a parade with a 'triumphal cart pulled by four centaurs', the ‘throwing of eggs full of pink water to the beautiful ladies ' and the 'rare and beautiful ring race'. The noble horsemen, galloping and holding their lance, had, in fact, to hit a ring, gradually getting smaller and smaller, until one of them got the victory.
The Cardinal organised banquets and feasts at the Corte Bassa and in numerous palaces of Fossombrone at the time. Dancing and laughter lasted until the first light of dawn.
Both nobles and townspeople recognised the magnificence and generosity of their Cardinal. This was, in fact, one of the most significant moments experienced in Fossombrone in the Renaissance period.
This news, reported in the diary of Atanasio di Monaldo Atanagi, the Duke's court jester (who was from Cagli but spent some time in the service of Guidobaldo II, the Cardinal's brother) has been used since 1990 to give life to the 'Historical Carnival Triumph'.
Every year, during the second weekend in May, Fossombrone relives the Renaissance. From Friday to Sunday, you can enjoy days of culture, entertainment and fun.

The town centre is transformed into a stage full of suggestions and colours, as recounted in the diary of Atanasio di Monaldo Atanagi. The streets of the historic centre welcome the parade of more than a thousand figures in Renaissance dress, the stalls of the crafts of the period, musicians, fire shows, jesters, archers, Renaissance markets, flights of birds of prey, flag-wavers and jugglers.

On Saturday and Sunday, the participating contrade (districts) and castles compete in Renaissance games to gain the victory. The challenge also involves the little ones, with the characteristic children's Palio.

The districts also welcome visitors to their Renaissance taverns, where menus, strictly reflecting the cuisine of the time, offer the chance to taste the flavours of the area and relive the atmosphere of the era.
Sunday afternoon brings the most exciting moment of the event with the final of the games between the districts and the Rara et bella Cursa all'Anello (‘the rare and beautiful ring race’), the famous horse race in which each district and castle, represented by their own horsemen, compete for the victory of the Palio del Cardinale before the eyes of the enthusiastic spectators gathered at Campaccio.

The districts, the castles, the town of Fossombrone and the Pro Loco Forum Sempronii are looking forward to welcoming you to a glorious past, full of fun and conviviality!
"This is a great carnival triumph, long live our Cardinal".

The Attractions of Fossombrone

 Attraction location

Fossombrone things to Watch

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