Acqualagna - Abbey of San Vincenzo al Furlo


Set in the wonderful scenery of the Furlo Gorge Nature Riserve, in Acqualagna, the white truffle capital of Italy, the abbey was built in memory of Saint Vincent, Bishop of Bevagna. Its position close to one of the most beautiful Apennine passes makes the abbey all the more attractive for the scenery which surrounds it.

The origins of the abbey are uncertain. Early fortified remains suggest that it may have been founded as early as the 6th Century, though other evidence dates it back to the 10th Century. Frescoes from Marche painters dating back to the 15th and 16th century are still visible on the walls of the church.

The façade of the church is hut- shaped: at the centre you can see a portal with a round arch and a lunette and above a wide single lancet window. The roof is ribbed, it’s mainly vaulted and partly trussed.

On the right hand side there was a monastery. The whole complex was built using carnelian stones coming from local quarries, whereas very large and thick slabs of stones of Roman and Early Christian origins were used for the church floor. The presbytery is raised, a narrow staircase is at the centre and at the sides there are two arched openings leading to the crypt. The latter dates back to the 10th century and is divided into three parts by six columns of different diameters. Inside the crypt  you can see the little apse which belonged to the right aisle. It’s clearly visible from the outside, as it’s placed next to the main one.


Acqualagna - Abbey of San Vincenzo al Furlo

Acqualagna (PU)
0721.796741 (Ufficio turismo Comune)

OPENING TIME: Entrata libera tutti i giorni

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