Massa Fermana - Saints Lorenzo, Silvestro, Ruffino Church

The church, dedicated to the Saints Lorenzo, Silvestro and Ruffino, was rebuilt at the end of 1800. The first artwork in the Marche by Carlo Crivelli, can be admired. At the end of the 19th century, the polyptych was in the parish house, but later it was moved to Town Hall of Massa Fermana; during the fascist period it was exhibited in the National Gallery of Urbino and in the Second World War, the polyptych was transferred into its original place. In the second half of the 20th century, it was restored in Urbino because of the significant damage. The Polyptych is a painting in tempera (110x190 cm), signed KAROLVS CRIVELLVS VENETVS PINXIT HOC OPVS MCCCCLXVIII", and it is made of five main panels: in the middle there is the Madonna and child (105x44 cm) and the Saints Giovanni Battista, Lorenzo, Silvestro and Francesco on either side (105x44 cm each).
There are three cusps and four sections representing the predella, Crucifixion, Flagellation and Resurrection. Another impressive artwork is the Madonna della cintola tra angeli musicanti by Vittore Crivelli, where the Virgin Mary grants protection to the city which is offered by the Saints in miniature. In the sacristy, there is a painting by Sebastiano Grezzi from Comunanza (XVII century). The Polyptych by Crivelli is currently preserved in the Municipal Gallery of Massa Fermana.


Massa Fermana - Saints Lorenzo, Silvestro, Ruffino Church

Piazza Garibaldi, 12
Massa Fermana (FM)

OPENING TIME: From Monday to Friday during the office hours

Recommended for: Culture

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