Pedaso- Exploring rustic villages and authentic tastes


A route through various villages, each perched on a hill, which arose in defence against the banditry from the valleys. And as it was for the bandits of former times, achieving each stage is just as tiring for you bikers!
Start out from the village of Pedaso, a seaside resort in the Fermano area awarded with the Blue Flag and, following a fairly quiet road lined with chestnut trees, head in the direction of Campofilone.This village is a maze of narrow streets that weave their way underneath barrel vaults and then unexpectedly open up into the enchanting panorama that sweeps from the sea to the Sibillini Mountains. Here you can enjoy the ancient culinary tradition of Campofilone macaroni – a fine pasta of tagliolini noodles seasoned with duck or fish sauce. During the month of August you can enjoy them at the sagra (festival) that honour these vital foods.
The route continues towards Montefiore dell'Aso,  one of Most Beautiful Towns in Italy, where the San Francesco Museums house a valuable altarpiece by Carlo Crivelli and, after a short breather, cycle up towards Carassai where a brief stop is recommended to visit the eleventh-century fortress of Montevarmine. Continuing towards Montalto delle Marche, you enter an aristocratic looking village where Pope Sixtus V was born. The cathedral is worth a visit, as is the water mill on the Val d'Aso.Then continue in the direction of Pedaso to arrive at Ortezzano. Here you may wish to extend your route by visiting the historic centre, the arrival point of a stage of the well-known Tyrrhenian-Adriatic cycling race: 700 m with a 12% gradient and a further 400 m at 20%! Arriving in the vicinity of Pedaso you will begin to glimpse the sea, and at this point an exciting day of discovery on your bike will nearly be over.


Pedaso- Exploring rustic villages and authentic tastes

Piazza Roma, 10
Pedaso (FM)
Pedaso 0734.931319; Campofilone 0734.932798

Recommended for: Bike - Family

The Attractions of Pedaso

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Pedaso