
Piazza IV Novembre, 6 - Vallefoglia (PU)
0721 489711 0721 910247
Vallefoglia is a municipality with 15,018 inhabitants in the province of Pesaro and Urbino. The territory of Vallefoglia is located at the crossroads of Marche, Umbria, Tuscany and Romagna; it is mostly hilly and crossed by the Foglia river (the earliest Isauro) and Apsa stream. The municipality was established on 1 January 2014 after the unification of the municipalities of Colbordolo and Sant'Angelo in Lizzola. Within the municipal boundaries is Montefabbri, one of the "most beautiful villages in Italy"; along the course of the Foglia river you can visit the sixteenth Mill Ponte Vecchio, well known for the the legendary deeds of Banda Grossi. Sant'Angelo in Lizzola, the capital of Vallefoglia, is perched on the hills that flank the lower valley of the Foglia river and can be reached crossing the Montelabbatese road from Pesaro. The name of Sant'Angelo in Lizzola derives from the family of Liciola, whose fortified residence dominated the town in the thirteenth century, even if the castle was built in the VI century. Sant'Angelo in Lizzola is the birthplace of Giovanni Branca (1571-1645), the famous physicist, architect, mathematician and inventor of the first steam machine. Near Sant'Angelo in Lizzola is the old fortified village of Ginestreto (288 m. above sea level) whose ancient parish church houses a valuable painting (Madonna with Child and Saints) by Bartolomeo di Gentile.


Piazza IV Novembre, 6
Vallefoglia (PU)
0721 489711 0721 910247


The Attractions of Vallefoglia

 Attraction location

Vallefoglia things to Watch

Discover the attraction Montelabbate - Abbey of St. Tommaso in Foglia

Montelabbate - Abbey of St. Tommaso in Foglia

The abbey was built in the year 980 by Benedictine monks over the remains of a previous Roman temple. It was part of a large complex consisting of a monastery...

Discover the attraction Mombaroccio – Sanctuary, Convent and Museum of the Beato Santo (Blessed Saint)

Mombaroccio – Sanctuary, Convent and Museum of the Beato Santo (Blessed Saint)

Not far from the town of Mombaroccio, protected by a thick forest of oaks, maples, chestnuts and many other species of trees belonging to the Mediterranean...

Discover the attraction Petriano - Raffaello thermal spa

Petriano - Raffaello thermal spa

The Raffaello hot springs, in Petriano, are part of the green and uncontaminated rural landscape of the Montefeltro area, very close to Urbino: it is a place...


Itineraries to visit Vallefoglia