Borgo Pace- Abbey of San Michele Arcangelo


The St. Michael abbey was first mentioned in a document dated 1218. At that time it was very prosperous A
and it was protected by a fortress and another defensive core on the steep hill overlooking Borgo Pace.

Due to its closeness to Bocca Trabaria, a pass that connects the upper Tiber Valley with the Metauro valley and the Adriatic Sea, the important abbey could enjoy great autonomy in the 13th century and it also ruled for some time the abbey of Scalocchio in Città di Castello.However, in 1442, the abbey had already been abandoned by monks, so it was given in commandam until 1858.

Nowadays it’s possible for you to visit only the old Romanesque church which was probably founded  before the year 1000. Only the Romanesque apse is left of the old building. The church has a tripartite facade with a small portal and a central rose window, the vaulted bell tower is as wide as the nave, in the interior there is a central nave, which  is much higher and wider than the aisles. Inside you can see a very valuable wooden crucifix, attributed to Brunelleschi (1500) as well as other works of art: some frescoes dating back to the 15th century representing the Madonna on the throne breastfeeding the Christ Child, St. Rocco and St. Julian.

Borgo Pace- Abbey of San Michele Arcangelo

Frazione Lamoli
Borgo Pace (PU)
0722.816048 (Comune) 0722.816049 (Comune)

OPENING TIME: always open.

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