Castel di Lama – Giardini di Villa Seghetti Panichi (Villa Seghetti Panichi Gardens)


The complex, also known as “Villa Odoardi Seghetti”, raises close to Castel di Lama upon the hill crest which, in the low Tronto valley, is oriented towards the left bank of the river and the ancient path of the Salaria road.

In the XVIII century, Odoardo Odoardi built the villa, which embodied the remains of the preexisting fortress and at that time did not include a garden. At the end of the following century, Vincenzo Carfratelli Seghetti bought the villa and in the years 1875 to 1890 enlarged it with the garden, which was designed by a specialist renown all around Europe: the great German garden designer Ludwig Winter.

The park witnesses his great love for palm trees. A rare specimen can be admired there of Jubaea spectabilis, along with many Phoenix canariensis and Ph. dactilifera, silver blue Heritea armata, monumental Washingtonia filifera, Chamaerops humilis and groups of Yucca gloriosa and Cordyline australis.

The park is known as the first historical garden in Italy where extended bio-energetic areas were surveyed. The surveying of electro-magnetism lasted two years. While walking inside a pleasant natural frame, and stopping over on calm and peaceful places, one can really feel the beneficial effects produced by the several species of plants living there. Some, such as red beeches and oaks, are typical of the territory. Others, most of all the ones around the pond, come from east: golden Ginkgos biloba, pink Pruns from Japan which blossom the first and announce the arrival of Spring, a light Taxodium disticum and a Sophora Japonica “Pendula”. Into the pond live water lilies and white lotus flowers.

On the rear, in the middle of another pond, raises a delicate XVIII century travertine statue depicting Venus and Eros holding hands. Finally, as in all Winter’s gardens, here too a little corner, the “romitorio”, offering peace and introspection to all visitors, is dedicated to meditation.


Castel di Lama – Giardini di Villa Seghetti Panichi (Villa Seghetti Panichi Gardens)

Via San Pancrazio, 1
Castel di Lama (AP)
0736 812552

OPENING TIME: Gardens open to the public May to Semptember.

Discover: Art and Culture
Recommended for: Family - Culture - Wedding

The Attractions of Castel di Lama

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