Castelleone di Suasa - Archeological Regional Park Città romana di Suasa

Since 1987 the University of Bologna, in collaboration with the Soprintendenza Archeologica per le Marche (Archaeological Superintendence for the Marche region), has launched a research program in the area where the ruins of the mighty Roman amphitheater were visible. The excavations have thus gradually allowed to identify the trade forum, some sepulchral areas, the theater, the old paved road on which was based the whole the settlement of the city of Suasa and, above all, of the Domus Coiedii.
This was a rich house owned by the family of senatorial rank of Coiedii, extending over about 3000 square meters, which reached the moment of its greatest splendor in the early decades of the second century AD.
In front of the domus there is a wide square, identified with the square of trading forum, a sort of old market square. Here the guided tour, enriched by reconstructive panels, helps to understand how the center of a Roman city was.
Behind the domus is the amphitheater, one of the largest buildings for shows of the Roman period in the Marche region. Inside are organized shows during the summer season.

Castelleone di Suasa - Archeological Regional Park Città romana di Suasa

piazza Livia della Rovere, 2
Castelleone di Suasa (AN)
Abaco Società Cooperativa 375 6720915


The Attractions of Castelleone di Suasa

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Castelleone di Suasa