Civic Picture Gallrty and Archeological Museum


The paintings to be found inside this picture gallery include works from the XV to XX century. 
Some of the rooms are assigned to the towns which make up the territory: Porchia, Patrignone and Valdaso. 
In the Sistine room, a part from the portraits of Pope Sisto V, his sister Camilla and nephew the Cardinal Alessandro Peretti, you can also find some autographed documents, furniture and clothing which belonged to the Governor which date back to the XVI century along with a gold collection of medals and farthing belonging to the mint of Montalto. 
One of the rooms is the copy of the Architect Giuseppe Sacconi’s study. 
There is a permanent exhibition of his original drawings, photographs, documents and relics related to his works of the Monument dedicated to Vittorio Emanuele II, the Peace Altar. 
A part from the photograph library which contains old and rare photos of the territory and the room dedicated to the artist Osvaldo Licini, particular attention should be dedicated to the beautiful Nativity painting attributed to Sebastiano Grezzi, an artist born in Comunanza in the 16th century.  

There are traces of prehistory which can be found in the local archaeological museum. There are also quite a few remains from the roman civilization which have lead historians to believe that the roman city called “Novana”, mentioned by “Plinio” the elder, was situated here.




The Attractions of Montalto delle Marche

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Montalto delle Marche

Discover the itinerary Land of Popes

Land of Popes

The magnificent places that gave birth to great Popes

Art and Culture   Spirituality and Meditation   3 days

Discover the itinerary The Sistine Itinerary on the border of the Piceno area

The Sistine Itinerary on the border of the Piceno area

In a 30 km of land between Fermo and Ascoli Piceno, even today you can admire and appreciate the historical heritage of Pope Sixtus V, including precious jewels and monumental palaces, symbol of the Pope's attachment to his homeland.

Art and Culture   Spirituality and Meditation   Rolling Hills and Ancient Villages   2 days