Fiastra - Lame Rosse

The weather-eroded pinnacles known as the Lame Rosse are one of the most striking geological features in the region. 
They lie above Lake Fiastra, in the locality of San Lorenzo al Lago , in of the Municipality of Fiastra, near Macerata, between Mount Fiegni (1323 meters above sea level) and Mount Petrella (1155 meters above sea level). The Fiastrone river,which originates from the homonymous lake, flows below them . The possible routes to get to the Lame Rosse are varied, but the most popular is the one that starts from Lake Fiastra; the round trip on the same path is 7 kilometers long and the difference in altitude is around 200 meters. It is therefore suitable for most people: you walk first on a dirt road and then in a holm-oak wood. The area is very picturesque and varies between long stretches of lush vegetation, short glimpses of the lake and the magnificient landscape of weather-beaten spires and towers in red friable rock. Due to the abundance of water, the flora and fauna are very rich. The round trip is approximately 3 hours. You start walking from the dam of the lake, leaving your car here and continuing on foot over the dam, then go up and at the first intersection on the dirt road, turn right and continue for 30 more  minutes. You  can also start from the Ruffella viewpoint, passing through the village of Fiegni, in Municipality of Fiastra.

The Attractions of Fiastra

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Fiastra