Montecosaro - Dell'Annunziata playground


The playground called Dell'Annunziata is located in Montecosaro (Mc), in a striking location on the side of the millenary Abbey of S.Maria a Piè di Chienti. The public garden, opened in 2010, can boast a well maintained green area of as many as 10,000 m2, with new games, green lawn, benches and a couple of tables. Parking is located in a very convenient location. The park is connected via a bike path to another green space in the area, the Europa Park. Though smaller (about 4,000 m2), this latter park confirms the uniqueness of the municipality of Montecosaro, that emerges for its environmental and urban quality.


Montecosaro - Dell'Annunziata playground

62010 Montecosaro MC
Montecosaro (MC)
0733 560 711 (centralino Comunale)

Recommended for: Family

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