Natural Regional Park of Gola della Rossa and Frasassi


Europarc Federation Certified

The Natural Regional Park of Gola della Rossa and Frasassi covers an area of 10.026 hectares of protected land; it was established in 1997; the towns included in the park are: Arcevia, Cerreto d'Esi, Fabriano, Genga and Serra San Quirico. The Frasassi Caves, in the heart of the area, are the longest and among the most interesting in Italy with a 240 m high central chamber which is large enough to comfortably hold Milan cathedral. The protected area is a series of towering limestone gorges which provide the rocky habitat for several golden eagles as well as the peregrine falcons and the eagle owls. There are also other types of animals living in the park: the wild cat, the wolf, the porcupine and dozens of different species of bats. Among the cave-dweller species, we must mention an amphibious called “geotritone” . In the rocky parts of the gorges there are many species of flora, like the rare Moheringia papulosa; the limestone areas of the park are full of hornbeams; oaks and turkey oaks can be found in the sandstone substratum . In the southern part of the park Mediterranean vegetation is widespread. In the park you can make interesting excursions and enjoy the typical flora and fauna of the pre-Apennines. Worth visiting are also many castles and monasteries in the nearby area.

Information Centre Casa del Parco Arcevia
Former church of S. Giovanni Battista Entro le Mura Mazzini
60011 Arcevia (AN)

Information Centre Casa del Parco di Castelletta
Castelletta di Fabriano
60044 Fabriano (AN)


Natural Regional Park of Gola della Rossa and Frasassi

Via Marcellini, 5
Serra San Quirico (AN)
0731.86122 0731.880030

Belongs to: Regional Parks
Recommended for: Trekking - Family

The Attractions of Serra San Quirico

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Serra San Quirico