Numana - Crucifix Sanctuary


The Crucifix, a wooden Romanesque sculpture, is contained in the Crucifix Sanctuary built up between 1561 and 1566, and successively restored in 1968 because a structural danger made it unsafe. The tradition attributes the work to the evangelist Luca, realized shortly after Christ burial. Carried to Syria during the Crusades Period, it was worshipped by Charles the Great according to certain – even if supposed – prodigies, and then was given to Pope Leone III. It arrived to Numana because of a violent storm that forced the Emperor and his retinue to land at Numana port and to leave the relic at the St. Giovanni Battista Church. As the time passed, it was forgotten until 1924, when some fishermen found it out in the sea, only after that a sea-quake made falling part of the cliff which the old village stretches on top of.


The Attractions of Numana

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Numana

Discover the itinerary Archaeological Marche

Archaeological Marche

A journey into the past

Art and Culture   5 days

Discover the itinerary Blue Flags

Blue Flags

A wide range of cozy beaches

The Marche Region in Blue   6 days

Discover the itinerary Street markets

Street markets

Sustainable shopping in the splendid setting of the historic city centers

Skills and expertise   5 days