Ostra - Shrine of “Santa Maria Apparve”

About two kilometers from the city centre, half way between Ostra and Casine, almost in the open countryside, is the Sanctuary of “Santa Maria Apparve”. According to the legend, the name of the Church originated by the appearance of the Virgin Mary who promised, in return for building a church, the ending of plague infection. As a matter of fact, from a source in the late seventeenth century, it is clear that in August 1527, a shepherd went to pray a Madonna painted on the wall of a niche. The Virgin appeared and asked him to build a Church  in that place dedicated to the Mother of God.  While a procession was taking place in the area of the appearance, a black cloud was above the niche (symbolizing the plague) that gradually vanished. The  plague miraculously ceased, and as a symbol of gratitude and thanksgiving from the release of the infection, Mary’s image  was called "Santa Maria Apparve."
The sanctuary was built In 1529, leaving inside the old wall painted with the holy figure. Later in 1860, the population put effort into the new building  construction  that was opened to worship on July 2nd .

Ostra - Shrine of “Santa Maria Apparve”

Strada Provinciale 18
Ostra (AN)
071.7980606 (comune) 071.7989776

OPENING TIME: Masses celebrations: On Holidays 7:30a.m. - 11:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m. ; On Weekdays: 7:30 a.m.

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