Ripatransone - "C. Cellini" Archaeological Civic Museum

The Archaeological Civic Museum of Ripatransone was set up in 1877 by the priest Cesare Cellini that gave to the town its private collection. After him many other rich local families made donations and in addition to this the museum's collection was enlarged by the ruins of Iron Age necropolis discovered in the region in the late 19th C and by the following discoveries made until today.
For the most part the museum keeps relics coming from the surrounding areas and illustrates the ways of life from the Prehistory to the Middle Ages. After Paleolithic, Neolithic and Aeneolithic materials you see Bronze Age relics which testify this area's key role at that time.
Several rooms are dedicated to the Piceno's civilization that is well represented by rich fictile crockery, ornaments, arms among which helmets, lance points, hatchets and daggers.
The Roman age findings are related to the ager cuprensis, to which Ripatransone belonged administratively, and include Latin epigraphs, fragments of statues, everyday life objects. In the recently made ready last room, you find early Middle Ages's relics.

Ripatransone - "C. Cellini" Archaeological Civic Museum

Piazza XX Settembre, snc
Ripatransone (AP)
0735 99329

OPENING TIME: Summer opening hours (15/06 - 30/08) every day 16.00-20.00, Sunday 10.00-13.00 - 16.00-20.00. Winter opening hours every day 10.30-12.30 - 16.30-19.30 closed on Monday


The Attractions of Ripatransone

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