Santa Vittoria in Matenano- Priory of Santa Vittoria in Matenano


The history of the church of Santa Vittoria in Matenano is connected with that of the monastery of St. Ippolito and St. Giovanni in Silva (760), a dependency of the abbey of Farfa. During the 10th century the abbot Peter from this abbey found refuge here and built a castle on the Matenano mount, where on 20th June the abbot Ratfredo moved the corpse of Holy Victoria dalla Sabina and named after her a basilica- sanctuary for 10-12 monks and turned it into the vicarious abbey of Farfa.

The imposing façade in neoclassical style was built between  1783-1793. At the right side is the massive bell tower.

The church was opened to the cult in 1789 and in 1943 it became a sanctuary.

It’s a Greek cross shaped plan and architecturally it’s a harmonious classical design. The 16 statues, the high reliefs near the cupola , the stuccoes at the side- alters are by Domenico Fontana. Among the works of art, worth mentioning is the Preaching of John the Baptist near the Jordan by Sebastiano Ghezzi from Comunanza (1590-1650), a follower of Guercino. Two flights lead to the Crypt of Holy Victoria, where  in a sarcophagus made of marble and dating back to the 15th century was laid the corpse of the Holy Martyr. It’s a nice work of art.


Santa Vittoria in Matenano- Priory of Santa Vittoria in Matenano

Largo S. Vittoria, s.n.c.
Santa Vittoria in Matenano (FM)
0734.780111 (Comune) 0734.780561 (Comune)

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