The Ubaldinesca Fortress is an impressive masterpiece of the 15th-century military architecture by Giorgio Martini. The fortress is made of stones and bricks, strongly banked in order to make the attacks difficult. The fortress hosts the Pasquale Rotondi Award, who moved 10,000 Italian art masterpieces into the building to preserve them during the Second World War.
OPENING TIME: Every day from April to September: 9.30 am-12.30 pm / 3.00 pm-7.00 pm. From October to March, open on Saturdays and Sundays: 9.30 am-12.30 pm / 2.30 pm-6.00 pm (bookings can be made on weekdays)
To see: Sassocorvaro - Theatre "della Rocca"
Precious treasure chests where the show goes on stage
Art and Culture Rolling Hills and Ancient Villages 6 days