Urbisaglia - Archaeological Park of Urbs Salvia

The Archaeological Park of Urbs Salvia is considered the most significant site in Region Marche. The walking tour starts with a visit to the cisterns which supplied water to the town below. Just beneath the crown of the hill is the Theatre (the first quarter of the I century BC) built on the slope of the hill where Urbisaglia stands today. Lower down is the so-called Edificio a Nicchioni (building with large niches) which formed a picturesque link between the various levels of the town. At the foot of the hill lies the forum and the sacred area with a large temple probably dedicated to the goddess Salus Augusta surrounded by a cryptoporticus, underground arcade with well preserved frescoes in the III Pompeiian style with images connected to Augustan propoganda. On the other side of the Roman walls stands the amphitheatre (81-89 BC) built by Lucius Flavius Silva Nonius Bassus, conqueror of Masada.

Urbisaglia - Archaeological Park of Urbs Salvia

Via del Sacrario
Urbisaglia (MC)
+39 073350107 0733 202942

OPENING TIME: From April to September: Sun. and Holidays 14.30-19.30; Mon. and Tues. 8.30-13.30; Wed., Thur., Fri. and Sat.: 8.30-19.30. From October to March: Sun. and Holidays 8,30-13.30; Mon. and Tues. 8.30-13.30; Wed., Thur., Fri. and Sat.: 8.30-19.30


The Attractions of Urbisaglia

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Urbisaglia

Discover the itinerary Archaeological Marche

Archaeological Marche

A journey into the past

Art and Culture   5 days

Discover the itinerary On the Footsteps of Dante Alighieri: a journey in the Marche

On the Footsteps of Dante Alighieri: a journey in the Marche

The year 2021 marks the celebrations of the 700th anniversary of Dante Alighieri's death. In his Divine Comedy Dante described historical places and characters of the Marches, that are so important for the narration; he actually transformed them into icons and symbols of universal literature, by creating a special atmosphere, including myth and poetry

Art and Culture   Spirituality and Meditation   6 days