Valfornace - Poggio della Pagnotta - Chiesa Santa Maria Maddalena (Bread Hill – St. Mary Magdalene’s)


St. Mary Magdalene’s is one of the emblem churches on these mountains, and a reference point to four municipalities (Caldarola, Cessapalombo, Pievebovigliana and Fiordimonte. The two last ones recently joined into one, called Valfornace). The church is isolated, 1120 meters above sea level, into the Sibillini Mountains Park, at the slopes of Mount Fiegni and close to Pagnotta hill. It is a Romanic stone building dating back to the second half of the XIV century. Inside, it keeps fragments of frescos dating from the end of the XIV century, attributable to Cola di Pietro, representing the Crucified Christ, Mary Magdalene and some faces of angels. The great natural charms and the environmental value of the area are enriched, near the church, by an archaeological site probably concerning the votive area of an ancient cult. The name of the hill originates from the ancient tradition of offering blessed bread to those who, on a special day in the month of July, moved from the surrounding villages and reached here to join a procession; a tradition connected to times when harvesters were invited to pause and share the food.


Valfornace - Poggio della Pagnotta - Chiesa Santa Maria Maddalena (Bread Hill – St. Mary Magdalene’s)

Piazza Vittorio Veneto, 73
Valfornace (MC)
0 737 44 126

Recommended for: Trekking - Family - Young - Leisure

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