Montecassiano - Palio of the Terzieri

The Palio dei Terzieri (Palio of the Districts) is an historical re-enactment that takes its name from the ancient villages (or terzieri) in which Montecassiano was divided in Medioeval times. In turn, each of the Terzieri took the name of the main sacred building present in it.
Born in the mid-fifteenth C., the Palio not only means aggregation but especially rediscovery and valorization of the town of Montecassiano, its territory and its cultural identity. The fact which originated the re-enactment dates back to the 18th October 1418, when in Montecassiano, after various political events, twelve men from the terzieri were chosen to reform the old City Statutes, with the possibility to change and correct them, however under the control of ecclesiastical authority.
In its modern edition, the country and the districts are divided according to an hypothetical belonging to the ancient terzieri of San Salvatore (Colours white / red), San Nicolò (yellow / blue), San Michele (green / black).
Athletes of the Terzieri, challenging each other in games and tournaments, compete for the Palio dedicated to Our Lady of the Kind Heart, whose feast was originally scheduled in early July and whose popular devotion was and still is widely held. Nowadays, the Palio is held every year starting on the third Sunday of July and finishing on its fourth.
For about a week, the old centre regains its medieval dimension with over 400 walk-ons in historical parades along streets and squares, guests, popular races and duels of archers, jousting with knights and re-enactment of medieval life scenes, this all in a combination of historical reconstruction, games and spectacle.
Lastly, some rich food, cooked according to tradition and copiously washed down with full-bodied wines can be tasted in the taverns of the Terzieri.

Montecassiano - Palio of the Terzieri

Via Gioacchino Rossini, 5
Montecassiano (MC)
0733 299 811 0733 299 898

OPENING TIME: 3rd to 4th Sunday of July

Recommended for: Family - Culture

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