Montecassiano - Church of Saint Mary of the Assumption


The church was built in the second half of the 15th-century, when a previous church dating back to 1136 was changed in gothic style following the design of Antonio Lombardo. From the outside, the single-sloped brick façade is dominated by hanging arches and flanked by the bell tower.  a rose window in white stone and a lancet window with cusps. The interior is divided into three naves with a cross vaulted ceiling supported by octagonal pillars topped with simple capitals. The church’s altarpiece is in glazed terracotta and was painted by the monk, Mattia della Robbia. It represents the Madonna with Child in glory between Saints Sebastian, Rocco, Peter Martyr and Anthony the Abbot. The predella illustrates the stories from Jesus’ childhood alternated with festoons of fruit, a characteristic of Robbia’s paintings. In the lunette, there is the figure of God the Father while blessing, together with angel musicians and surrounded with festoons and cherubs.


Montecassiano - Church of Saint Mary of the Assumption

Via N.Peranzone, 2
Montecassiano (MC)
0733.290549 0733/290549

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