Portonovo wild Mussels Slow Food Presidia

Around Ancona, mussels that reproduce naturally and live attached to underwater rocks off the Conero coast are known as “moscioli”. The local trattorias made them famous in the 1950s, and the mollusks began to be harvested on a large scale by small fishing boats with the help of divers. During the following two decades, there were around 80 active boats along the Conero coast, 30 of which belonged to the Portonovo fishing cooperative. Eventually, difficulties in harvesting the mussels and competition from farmed mollusks led to a steep fall in production. The number of divers willing to do this type of work also fell steeply.

The Attractions of Ancona

 Attraction location

Ancona things to Watch

Discover the attraction Riviera del Conero

Riviera del Conero

The city of Ancona is located on the coast of central Adriatic on a promontory formed by the northern slopes of Monte Conero. The port of Ancona is one the most...

Discover the attraction Sirolo - The Park Visitor Center

Sirolo - The Park Visitor Center

Thanks to its large car park, the outdoor didactic itinerary, and the indoor equipped halls, the Visitor Center to Sirolo is a multipurpose structure able to...

Discover the attraction Ancona - Church of Santa Maria di Portonovo

Ancona - Church of Santa Maria di Portonovo

Perfectly nested in the natural paradise of the Monte Conero, this church overlooks the white limestone cliffs on which it is erected. In harmony with its...

Discover the attraction Regional Park of  Mount Conero

Regional Park of Mount Conero

The Regional Park of Mount Conero covers an area of about 6000 hectares of protected land; it was established in 1997; the towns included in the park are...

Discover the attraction Sirolo  - St. Peter's Church in Conero

Sirolo - St. Peter's Church in Conero

The Abbey of San Pietro al Conero is situated on Mount Conero at about 450 m. above sea level. It was a former Benedictine Hermitage. The abbey now retains the...

Discover the attraction Comitato Italiano Paralimpico delle Marche

Comitato Italiano Paralimpico delle Marche

In Italy, the Canoe Movement for Disabled is born at the end of the 80s. In the early 90s, the FICK opened participation to contests of speed, slalom and...