The real Brodetto of Porto San Giorgio should combine different flavours: from the sweet taste of the fish to the acidity of the vinegar or garlic or even green tomato. According to the recipe, frozen fish or fish not from the central part of the Adriatic Sea, and all the other ingredients should be local. The traditional recipe includes mackerel, dogfish, cod, redfish, mullet, ray, withing, monkfish, sea gurnard, stargazer, dormouse, prawns, crabs. 13 different species of fish should be chosen, together with green tomatoes, parsley, vinegar, chilli pepper, olive oil and salt.
Method: chop the parsley and the garlic and make them brown in a saucepan and later add diced red tomatoes. Add mussels and clams. Put together shellfish and cuttlefish. Cover the pan with a lid and cook over a moderate heat for about 10 minutes. Add the other fishes except for the shrimps and the red mullet which should be put on the top because they are cooked quickly. Add the vinegar and the tomate sauce, olive oil, chilli pepper and diced peppers. The brodetto should be cooked with a lid for about 30 minutes over moderate heat. Cut the stale bread into many slices and cover them with the fish and sauce before serving the dish.