Maiolati Spontini (hamlet Moie): La Fornace library


The Furnace in Moie is a 19th century building with elliptical shape which was operative until 1966 and then completely abandoned. Close to the furnace there’s a structure which was used for land farming and which could be used also for the installation of clay moulding machines. It’s a very large building, about 700 square metres inside and 9 metres high whose arcades face the pit. The complex also consists of a block of offices which is still in very good conditions and a farm house. The furnace, which was built in a flat surface in the outskirts of the town, is close to an area rich in gullies and it’s centrally located to the new housing development plan of Moie. Due to the opening of the library also the furnace and the adjoining building were renovated. These works guaranteed the original robustness and the respect of building features. All crumbling areas and materials were removed, re-usable materials were recycled and renovation works were carried out with materials similar to the existing ones.

The loft and the covering were made with a steel- made structure and the loft is made of wood for a better architectural harmony with the surrounding context. The retention walls were made with recycled bricks. The walls around the multipurpose room of the furnace were made with sound - absorbing panels with beech wood finish blades with the aim of ensuring an effective sound absorption, which is especially important in a library.

The Library holds approximately 30,000 indexed documents that are all placed on open shelves and sorted by topic. There are works of contemporary fiction (of Italian and foreign artists), non-fiction, general encyclopedias of specific topics, European and non-European languages, vocabularies, atlases, the local section with volumes about the Marche region and the municipality of Maiolati Spontini, books for children, youngsters and families and works and writings dedicated to Joyce Lussu, after whom the library was initially named.


Maiolati Spontini (hamlet Moie): La Fornace library

Via della Fornace, 23
Maiolati Spontini (AN)

OPENING TIME: Opening times in winter( 1st October- 31st May): on Mondays 14,30 – 19,00,on Tuesdays 10,00 - 13,00 a.m. and 14,30 - 19,00 p.m., on Wednesdays 10,00 - 13,00 a.m. and 14,30 – 19,00 p.m., on Thursdays 10,00 – 13,00 a.m. and 14,30 – 19,00 p.m., on Fridays 14,30 – 19,00 p.m. and Saturdays 10,00 - 13,00 a.m. In August open from Mondya to Friday from 3.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.. Closed during the week of mid-August holiday. All services stop 15 minutes before closing time.

Recommended for: Family - Culture - Young

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