Montecosaro - Abbey Santa Maria a Piè di Chienti


One of the Marche's earliest and most charming churches, Santa Maria a Piè di Chienti, lies 6 km inland along the SS 485, just below Montecosaro. This beautifully preserved romanesque construction built in the 9th century is one of the region's finest example of Romanesque architecture. Double-decker in form, the upper floor is built within the church at the further end of the high central nave.
The 14th century frescoes in the apse above the upper altar are all the most powerful in their striking contrast with the remainder of the simple brick interior.
The three side chapels built into the semi-circular apse of the lower church are among the few surviving examples of their kind in Italy.


Montecosaro - Abbey Santa Maria a Piè di Chienti

Via Santissima Annunziata, 1
Montecosaro (MC)
0733.865241 (Parroco)

OPENING TIME: Esclusi i momenti in cui si svolgono le funzioni religiose, è possibile visitare la chiesa tutti i giorni dalle 08:00 alle 20:00.

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