San Ginesio- Abbey of Santa Maria delle Macchie


This Benedictine abbey was most probably founded before the year 1000 and it’s first documented in 1176. The municipality of San Ginesio joined it to its territory in 1252. It was completely renovated in the 17th century and this is visible in the façade and in the inner part. On the other hand the charm of the marvelous crypt is unchanged. The monks re-used the materials coming from the nearby Roman town of Urbs Salvia. This is particularly evident in the Ionian capitals and in the little marble columns around the altar. The large use of Roman ruins in the abbey make it appears very precious, refined and sacred.  


San Ginesio- Abbey of Santa Maria delle Macchie

Contrada Macchie, 16A
San Ginesio (MC)
0733 1960104 0733 656072

OPENING TIME: Open on Sundays during mass celebration or upon request..

Recommended for: Culture

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