Sassoferrato - Archaeological Regional Park of Sentinum

The area where the Roman city of Sentinum developed is rich in archaeological evidences covering a period of time that goes by I century B.C. to the III century A.D.  Some sections of the city walls are still visible, but in particular are well-preserved the ancient streets, paved with large stones in white limestone and bounded by sidewalks. Later  was discovered a large spa complex, in which is easily recognizable the typical structure of Roman baths with the sequence of low-temperature environments (frigidarium), lukewarm (tepidarium) and warmed (calidarium). Finally, have been found some rooms of a bronze workshop. 
Nearby, in the village of Santa Lucia, has been excavated a large building, datable to the second century. A.D., interpreted as private villa or building to accommodate travelers. In the middle part there is a large courtyard with traces of mosaic floors and columns in the red marble of Verona and  an imposing spa bulding.

The Attractions of Sassoferrato

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Sassoferrato