Urbisaglia - Roman Amphitheatre


The Amphitheatre ("Amphi" from the ancient greek word meaning "around") of the old Augustan colony of Urbs Salvia was built in the '81 A.D. in a suburban area near the Salaria Gallica. We are privided more precise information by two inscriptions found in the building, preserved today in the Municipal Archaeological Museum of Urbisaglia, according to which the structure was built by a certain Lucio Flavio Silva Nonio Basso (Titus’ senator and general, a native of Urbs Salvia) and could hold up to 5150 spectators (the arena is 59 metres long and 35 metres wide). The monument has an elliptical shape and is made of concrete with stone cladding.
According to tradition, here public performances, often gory and bloody, took place: the famous games among gladiatora or the venationes (shows that included hunting and killing of wild animals).
The building looks like one of the best preserved in the Marche region and still remains for its entire perimeter to the height of the first order of steps. You can still recognize the Porta Libitinensis, a door dedicated to Libitina (Death Goddess), from which gladiators who fell during the battle were dumped. Today, the Amphitheatre has a new life, thanks to the ancient theatre seasons which are held here every Summer.

Urbisaglia - Roman Amphitheatre

Strada Provinciale 78
Urbisaglia (MC)
0733.202942 - 071.5029811 - 0733 506566 0733.202942

OPENING TIME: From 15th June to 15th September: daily from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.. From 16th September to 14th June: on Saturdays and holidays 10:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. (DST 7:00 p.m.). From 2nd November to 28th February: on Saturdays and holidays 10:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.. Open every day from 26th December to 6th January. Closed on Christmas Day and in the morning of 1st January. Always open for groups, on reservation.

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