Urbisaglia - Temple-Augustan cryptoporticus of the Salus Augusta


The important archaelogical complex was part of a shrine dating back to the Tiberian period (the first half ot the I century A.D.) and it was dedicated to the Goddess Salus Augusta according to the inscription Salus Augustae Salviensis.The complex was made of a prostyle temple, located over a podium, which hosted the statue of the divinity and a cryptoporticus. The walls were decorated with frescoes representing hunting scenes, iconographic themes. he ceramic materials of the cryptoporticus are preserved in the National Archaelogical Museum of Urbisaglia.


Urbisaglia - Temple-Augustan cryptoporticus of the Salus Augusta

Parco archeologico di Urbs Salvia, Strada Provinciale 78 Picena
Urbisaglia (MC)
0733.202942 – 0733.506566

OPENING TIME: June 15th- September 15th, every day: 10:00 am -1:00 pm / 3.00 pm -7:00 pm. September 16th - October 31th: Saturday and public holidays: 10:00 am-1:00 pm / 3:00 pm -6:00 pm. November 1st-February 28th open upon request (0733 202942 – info@meridianasrl.it). May 1st - June 14th saturday and public holidays: 10:00 am -1:00 pm / 3:00 pm-6:00 pm

Recommended for: Culture

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