Cupra Marittima

Piazza Libertà, 11 - Cupra Marittima (AP)
0735 779193 - 0735.776700 0735 779193 - 0735.777970

Cupra Marittima is a seaside resort belonging to the “Palm Tree Riviera” in southern Marche. Behind the resort there are three hills: Sant'Andrea with the eponymous castle, recently restored; Marano, the medieval hilltop borgo of Cupra Alta, and Boccabianca.The lush vegetation ( pines, palms, oleanders), the shortish sandy beach and the peaceful atmosphere provide the perfect setting for a relaxing holiday. A wide cycling path crosses the seaside resort and runs until San Benedetto del Tronto.

ATTRACTIONS: Cupra Marittima's pride is the Piceno Malacological Museum, one of the world's most important shell museums, with a collection of over 900,000 shells. In the northern part of Cupra Marittima, there’s an Archaeological Park, documenting the Roman settlement: the urban layout of the Roman site is still recognizable. In nearby San Michele are the ruins of Villa Magna with a nymph, while in Civita the area of ​​the Forum can be seen. The archaeological site of Cupra Marittima hosts the Theatre Festival called TAU (Classical Theatre Productions), staging Greek and Roman plays. To the south of Sant'Andrea's hill are the ruins of St. Andrew's Castle, the remains of the XII century village. Heading west and turning north you come close to the medieval hilltop Marano, housing many art treasures: Villa Grisostomi Villa; the medieval church of Santa Maria in Castello; Palazzo Sforza; the Archaeological Museum of the territory, which is home to the Church of the Annunciation with its artistic permanent Nativity of Spanish art; the Church of the Suffrage, boasting the wonderful altarpiece of the "Deposition". It's worth visiting the Collegiate Church of St. Basso to admire the extraordinary triptych made by Vittore Crivelli and once entirely painted by Giuseppe Pauri in the thirties of the twentieth century. You can also appreciate the impressive staircase built by Vespignani and then reach Piazza della Libertà in front of the Town Hall, with its beautiful clock tower designed by Sacconi. In August the Feast of St. Basso enlivens the town.



The Attractions of Cupra Marittima

 Attraction location

Cupra Marittima things to Watch

Discover the attraction Cupra Marittima: Bike trail from Cupra Marittima to S. Benedetto del Tronto

Cupra Marittima: Bike trail from Cupra Marittima to S. Benedetto del Tronto

Cupra Marittima is a town which is very appreciated by cyclists for the services and the tourist attractions that it offers. Worth mentioning is the cycling...

Discover the attraction Cupra Marittima Alta

Cupra Marittima Alta

Cupra Alta or Marano offers an amazing view over the sea and the Palm tree Riviera. The old part is almost intact, boasting walls with square and polyhedral...

Discover the attraction Cupra Marittima - Archaelogical Park

Cupra Marittima - Archaelogical Park

Cupra Marittima was already popular during the lower and middle Paleolithic near the Menocchia and Aso rivers. In the Picen age, the town was important for...

Discover the attraction Cupra Marittima - Shell Museum

Cupra Marittima - Shell Museum

The Malacological Museum of Cupra Marittima, founded in 1977 is one of the world's largest museum of this kind. There's a three thousand meters exhibition space...

Discover the attraction Grottammare - St Lucia’s Church

Grottammare - St Lucia’s Church

The Church is the most important architecture of the ancient town, situated in a very visible position which features thanks to its façade, the view of...

Discover the attraction The Teatro dell'Arancio

The Teatro dell'Arancio

The Teatro dell’Arancio derives its name from the plant set in the middle of the square opposite the theatre which was guarded by an officer appointed to...


Itineraries to visit Cupra Marittima

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Sandy Beaches

Cozy or wild beaches, the sea for all tastes

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Archaeological Marche

A journey into the past

Art and Culture   5 days

Discover the itinerary Blue Flags

Blue Flags

A wide range of cozy beaches

The Marche Region in Blue   6 days