
Piazza Matteotti, 17 - Monsano (AN)
073.161931 0731.619339
Monsano is historically noted in 1197 as a dependency of the abbey of Valfucina (St. Vicino). Up to the end of the 13th century it was the Villa connected to the parish church of San Giovanni (the church of S. Giovanni would continue to exist until 1897 as a ‘burial’ church); it became a castle possibly from 1340 once Jesi, under the direct rule of the Holy See, lost Monte San Vito which passed to Ancona. As well as being an important industrial and commercial hub, Monsano is known for its typical 15th century walls, very original in their shape and layout in the form of a regular rectangle which can be seen nowhere else in the Esino valley. In the historic centre stands the Church of the Sacrament, formerly known as Santa Maria del Soccorso. Constructed in the 16th century, it was the residence of the Apostolic Brethren, and was rebuilt from the foundation up in 1701. Inside there are some paintings by Domenico Luigi Valori, dating from 1736. Near the Castle can be found the Church of St. Peter the Apostle, the nucleus of which dates back to the 12th century. Inside it conserves an interesting ‘pala’ (single-panel altarpiece) by Claudio Ridolfi depicting a ‘Madonna and Child and the Saints Francesco and Stefano’, dating from the 17th century, and a painting by Valeri. Outside the town, in a picturesque setting that has remained unchanged over time, stands the Church of S. Maria degli Aròli, in Romanesque-Gothic style. In the district of S. Maria there is a Sanctuary of the same name, the construction of which began in 1471, the year of the apparition of the Virgin Mary in the area. Inside the Sanctuary visitors can admire a splendid fresco of the Madonna, recently discovered in its original form and which has been painstakingly restored. In the locality of Sant’Ubaldo the 18th century Villa Pianetti can be found, with its impressive architecture and the magnificent park. The most important event of the year takes place in August, the Monsano Folk Festival, an international itinerant celebration of original and revival folk music.


Piazza Matteotti, 17
Monsano (AN)
073.161931 0731.619339


The Attractions of Monsano

 Attraction location

Monsano things to Watch

Discover the attraction Jesi - Cathedral of S. Settimio

Jesi - Cathedral of S. Settimio

The Cathedral was built between the XIII and XIV centuries by Giorgio di Como, probably on the foundations  of a Roman temple in the Roman forum area....

Discover the attraction Jesi - Diocesan Museum

Jesi - Diocesan Museum

The Diocesan Museum of Jesi was founded in 1966 in order to collect, preserve and enhance the vestiges of religious art coming from the territory around the...

Discover the attraction Jesi - Palazzo della Signoria

Jesi - Palazzo della Signoria

Palazzo della Signoria of Jesi (AN) is an impressive example of civil architecture built by Francesco di Giorgio Martini, between 1486 and 1498. The...

Discover the attraction Jesi- The Planettiana Library

Jesi- The Planettiana Library

In 1907 Marquis Bernardo Pianetti gave his famous and rich library, whose origins date back to some centuries ago, to the municipality of Jesi. That’s...

Discover the attraction Jesi - Printing Museum

Jesi - Printing Museum

Located in an ancient monastery, the museum traces the history of printing in Jesi since 1472. It houses printing presses and accessories, examples of rare...

Discover the attraction Jesi- Pergolesi Spontini Festival

Jesi- Pergolesi Spontini Festival

The Pergolesi Spontini Festival is named after the two great composers who were born in the Marche: Giovan Battista Pergolesi (Jesi, 4th January 1710 - Pozzuoli...


Itineraries to visit Monsano