Monte Porzio

Viale Cante di Montevecchio, 10 - Monte Porzio (PU)
+39 0721 956000 +39 0721 956027

Monte Porzio is located on the ridge of a small hill relief bordering the northern side of the lower Cesano valley .
Though many archaeologically interesting pieces dating back to the Stone Age or to the Roman Period were found in the area, the town was founded by the Gauls. It was mentioned in the oldest documentary sources with the name of castrum montis podii. It is the Montevecchio family, starting from 1400, that gave the town its architectonic structure, building the Montevecchio Palace and the whole historic centre.
It belonged at the beginning to the abbey of San Lorenzo in Campo and in 1428 was given to the lieutenant of Carlo Malatesta, Count “Guido di Mirabello”;  high up on the village there's the small square with the old Municipal Palace (nowdays seat of the library) with a lovely clock tower.
Castelvecchio, part of the municipality, owes its name to the old Fortress (or Castle), which has been restored and transformed many times (once an ancient "Rocca Roveresca") : a fortress with a moat, corbels and  polygonal towers with four vertices. Deserves also to be visited: the parish church of St. Antonio.


Monte Porzio

Viale Cante di Montevecchio, 10
Monte Porzio (PU)
+39 0721 956000 +39 0721 956027


The Attractions of Monte Porzio

 Attraction location

Monte Porzio things to Watch

Discover the attraction La terra di Santa Maria Goretti

La terra di Santa Maria Goretti

St. Maria Goretti was born in Corinth, a small village in the province of Ancona, October 16, 1890. She was born on the eastern side of Italy to a farming...

Discover the attraction Carlo Goldoni Theatre

Carlo Goldoni Theatre

The Carlo Goldoni Theatre in Corinaldo is the historical theatre of the town. The construction of the small “Teatro del Sole Nascente” (Theatre of...

Discover the attraction Corinaldo: Walking and cycling routes

Corinaldo: Walking and cycling routes

In Corinaldo there are four circular walking and cycling routes stretching for over 21 kilometres. They are gravel paths and dirt roads, which are almost...

Discover the attraction Apollo Theatre

Apollo Theatre

The Apollon Theatre, whose origins date back to the late 18th century when it was converted from the pre-existing old church dedicated to San Filippo Neri and...

Discover the attraction Mondavio - Della Rovere Fortress

Mondavio - Della Rovere Fortress

Commissioned at the end of the V century by Giovanni Delle Rovere with the plans by famous architect Francesco di Giorgio Martini from Siena. it is considered a...

Discover the attraction Orciano di Pesaro - Church of S. Maria Nuova

Orciano di Pesaro - Church of S. Maria Nuova

The building is located inside the wall surrounding the oldest part of Orciano, not far from the arch that gives access to the "castle."Its construction was...


Itineraries to visit Monte Porzio