
Piazza del Comune, 1 - Offagna (AN)
392 1302383
A few miles  from Ancona and Mount Conero, Offagna is a typical medieval village dominated by its squared fortress, built in the middle of the fifteenth century on the ruins of an old castle; it is one of the region's most impressive fortresses. The village belongs to the association The most beautiful villages in Italy and boasts the Orange Flag. It still retains the massive keep, that now houses a museum of ancient weapons. The village is pretty small, but full of remarkable tourist attractions: the church of SS. Sacramento in neoclassical style; the Church of Saint Lucia, attested as early as 300; the church of San Tommaso and the  Museum of Natural Sciences Luigi Paolucci, boasting  interesting paleontological, mineralogical, zoological and botanical collections. The typical specialty of the village is "crescia", a kind of flat bread cooked on the grill and served with a variety of herbs.  Rosso Conero is the local outstanding red wine, made in the area.
Offagna is well-known for its Medieval fun and games in July, featuring some form of knightly tournament between the different quarters of the town, a  parade in sparkly medieval costumes and, of course, plenty of enthusiastic eating and drinking to round off the event.



The Attractions of Offagna

 Attraction location

Offagna things to Watch

Discover the attraction The Museum of ancient weapons and medieval Fortress

The Museum of ancient weapons and medieval Fortress

The museum, located in the medieval Fortress of Offagna, has a quadrangular plan with keep and towers. It was built in the 15th century on a cliff. The...

Discover the attraction Osimo - Piazza Nuova Gardens

Osimo - Piazza Nuova Gardens

The very well maintained public gardens of Osimo city, with its beautiful panoramic balcony from where you can enjoy a wonderful view of the Sibillini Mountains...

Discover the attraction Osimo - Cathedral of  S. Leopardo

Osimo - Cathedral of S. Leopardo

The Cathedral of St. Leopardo is the most important religious building in Osimo and stands at the highest point, on the site of an ancient pagan temple.The...

Discover the attraction Osimo - Town walls of opus quadratum and the Fonte Magna

Osimo - Town walls of opus quadratum and the Fonte Magna

Osimo’s town walls are one of the most important evidence of town planning made by the ancient Roman colony of Auximum, founded in the 2nd century A.D....

Discover the attraction Caves of Osimo

Caves of Osimo

Besides  the sacred rituals, the complex maze of underground galleries in the Roman period also served to provide hydraulic pipes for tanks and springs,...

Discover the attraction Osimo - Basilica of S. Giuseppe da Copertino

Osimo - Basilica of S. Giuseppe da Copertino

San Giuseppe da Copertino, known as the “The Saint of flights”, is one of the most interesting personalities of the Christian mysticism. As...


Itineraries to visit Offagna