Terre Roveresche

Piazzale della Ripa, 1 - Terre Roveresche (PU)
072197424 0721-97425
Terre Roveresche is a town council established by Marche Regional Government under the law n. 28 dated 12 July 2016. It includes the former municipalities of Barchi, Orciano of Pesaro, Piagge and San Giorgio di Pesaro. The four municipalities have now become municipal capitals. The  chief seat of Terre Roveresche is located in Orciano di Pesaro. Barchi is the smallest municipal capital; its historic center is very interesting: it was designed in the sixteenth century by the architect Filippo Terzi. Orciano di Pesaro was ruled by Malatesta and Della Rovere Lords: they allowed the construction of the Tower overlooking the old town and the church of Santa Maria Novella, one of the most beautiful Renaissance buildings of the region. The tower was later added to the chruch thanks to a project made by Baccio Pontelli; the church was also embellished with stucco work by Brandani and the splendid portal attributed to Raphael. Piagge is the northernmost town and the closest to the sea. It's the oldest municipal capital as it dates back to Roman times; its name was "Lubacaria". The village retains the old embankment wall that encloses the castle, partially covered by some buildings on which stands the Clock Tower. San Giorgio di Pesaro is the second largest municipal capital and stretches between Piagge and Orciano di Pesaro. It boasts ancient walls of medieval origin. The most significant sites and museums of Terre Roveresche are: the Cave of Piagge, more commonly called "The Secret Tomb", an original underground environment, a kind of tomb, whose symmetrical layout, geometric relief decorations on the vaults and walls suggest a possible place of initiation in knightly orders or esoteric rituals; the Environmental Historical Museum based in San Giorgio di Pesaro, documenting history, memory, work and traditions of local communities; the Museum of Terracotta and Banda Grossi of Barchi, which documents the production of terracotta and offers a sampling of typical pottery; the Rope and Brick Museum in Orciano di Pesaro, dedicated to the two main local craft activities of the past: the craft of rope-maker, and the production of bricks and tiles. The square next to the museum is dedicated to native Pomodoro, an internationally well known  artist.

Terre Roveresche

Piazzale della Ripa, 1
Terre Roveresche (PU)
072197424 0721-97425


The Attractions of Terre Roveresche

 Attraction location

Terre Roveresche things to Watch

Discover the attraction Orciano di Pesaro - Church of S. Maria Nuova

Orciano di Pesaro - Church of S. Maria Nuova

The building is located inside the wall surrounding the oldest part of Orciano, not far from the arch that gives access to the "castle."Its construction was...

Discover the attraction Apollo Theatre

Apollo Theatre

The Apollon Theatre, whose origins date back to the late 18th century when it was converted from the pre-existing old church dedicated to San Filippo Neri and...

Discover the attraction Mondavio - Della Rovere Fortress

Mondavio - Della Rovere Fortress

Commissioned at the end of the V century by Giovanni Delle Rovere with the plans by famous architect Francesco di Giorgio Martini from Siena. it is considered a...

Discover the attraction Sant'Ippolito - Rifugio Escursionistico Evolution Camp

Sant'Ippolito - Rifugio Escursionistico Evolution Camp

Just 20 km away from the beaches of Fano and from Urbino, the homeland of Renaissance, there is Evolution Camp Village, in an area immersed in the lush green...

Discover the attraction Parco Archeologico di Suasa Senonum e Domus dei Coiedii

Parco Archeologico di Suasa Senonum e Domus dei Coiedii

The Suasa archaeological park is an archaeological area in Castelleone di Suasa (province of Ancona, Marche, Italy).It includes the remains of the ancient town...

Discover the attraction La terra di Santa Maria Goretti

La terra di Santa Maria Goretti

St. Maria Goretti was born in Corinth, a small village in the province of Ancona, October 16, 1890. She was born on the eastern side of Italy to a farming...


Itineraries to visit Terre Roveresche