Parco Archeologico di Suasa Senonum e Domus dei Coiedii

The Suasa archaeological park is an archaeological area in Castelleone di Suasa (province of Ancona, Marche, Italy).
It includes the remains of the ancient town of Suasa, abandoned in the 6th century AD. The open-air museum of a Roman house (the Coiedii domus), of great interest because its size and architectonic complexity, can be visited in the park.
The domus was inhabited over a long period, reaching its maximum splendour in the 2nd century AD. The mosaics discovered in the interior are splendid and are the most important unitary complex of the Marches. Mythological, floral, and geometric scenes can be admired, but above all, a magnificent marble floor created with over fifteen different kinds of stone.
An avant-garde roofing and super-elevated passageways make the visit easily available.
The large amphitheatre lies at the foot of the hill. During the summer season evocative theatrical performances are held there.
A program of excavations sponsored by the University of Bologna in collaboration with the Archaeological Superintendence of the Marche, has succeeded in tracing the ancient paved road, the business centre with shops and workshops, two burial grounds, the amphitheatre (end of the first century BC), public buildings, and several private housing facilities and especially the rich patrician house called domus di Coiedii.
This is one of the most beautiful domus of central Italy; it is a private residence located along the main road axis of the city; it extends for 3,000 square metres and has rich architectural features.
The mosaics are representative of four centuries of this art, ranging from the first century BC to the third century AD. The walls of the domus were decorated with beautiful frescoes, recovered and partially reassembled and visible to the Civic Archaeological Museum "A. Casagrande" Roman city of Suasa in Castelleone di Suasa. The whole area has survived almost intact, full of the decorative flooring, part of walls and some parts of the elevations of the walls made of bricks in raw clay, set up on brick plinths, technique, attested by ancient sources, but rarely used in archaeological reality. The period of construction dates back to the first half of the first century AD but have followed several restorations that have altered the appearance.
Before its construction, the area was occupied by sacred structures, the remains of which have been restored and can be visited.
The amphitheatre is the only monument of the town and is one of the largest of the Marche, second in size only to that of Ancona (one of the largest in Italy, like, for instance to the sites of Syracuse or Agrigento).
The remains of the structure were unearthed in 1990 by the Archaeological Superintendence of the Marche. The original structure dates back to the early imperial age and is still under excavation and restoration work.

Parco Archeologico di Suasa Senonum e Domus dei Coiedii

Contrada Pian Volpello
Castelleone di Suasa (AN)
Abaco Società Cooperativa 375 6720915

OPENING TIME: From 24/4 to 30/6 and from 1/9 to 8/12: on Saturday, Sunday and holidays from 15:30 to 19:30 (closed from Monday to Friday). In July and August from Tuesday to Saturday from 16:00 to 20:00; on Sunday 10:30 to 12:30 and 16:00 to 20:00 (closed on Mondays)

Discover: Art and Culture
Belongs to: The Best of
Recommended for: Culture

The Attractions of Castelleone di Suasa

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Itineraries to visit Castelleone di Suasa