Abbazia di S. Maria delle Moie


The Romanesque abbey of Santa Maria delle Moie was probably founded at the beginning of the 11th century by the Attoni-Alberoni-Gozoni family as a private monastery. The abbey was named after the marshes  (moja) where it was built near the Esino river.

It’s composed of a church and a front part. It’s been built using regular blocks of limestone and the plan is a typical Greek cross inscribed within a square and it reminds us of the shape of the abbey of San Vittore in Genga, as it’s formed by five apses, three of which face eastwards  and two at the sides. Architecturally, there’s a very original solution in the median nave, which is higher and barrel- vaulted, whereas the small naves are cross- vaulted. In the outer part, the portal decorations are very interesting whereas only the base is left of the cylindrical belfry placed to the left side of the entrance.

The outer part of the portal has been completely renovated and in its upper part there are some vaults resting on pillars and half- columns at the sides with decorative themes. There are only two areas in the monastery: a rectangular one with barrel vault whose staircase leads to a underground room; the other one communicates with the first one, it can be reached through a courtyard, it has a quadrilateral plan and is cross-vaulted.


Abbazia di S. Maria delle Moie

Piazza Santa Maria delle Moie, 10
Maiolati Spontini (AN)
0731.700005 (Casa parrocchiale)

OPENING TIME: Open every day in the morning and in the afternoon

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