Caldarola, Sanctuary of Santa Maria del Monte

The Sanctuary of Santa Maria del Monte, in Caldarola, is a Church that dates back to 1700 and is a typical example of the late Baroque architecture style. Made and designed by Pietro Augustoni, it is featured by a beautiful façade with three orders with double tympanum, windows and lunettes, as well as a high bell tower, culminating in a pyramid with a hexagonal base. The interior has an only nave with several side chapels, it has rich wall decorations and stucco works of great scenic impact, especially at the high altar, where it is preserved the sacred image of the Madonna del Monte, which gives its name to the sanctuary. This was built around 1491 by Lorenzo D'Alessandro, a painter of that period from San Severino. The construction of the Church took place between 1770 and 1780 on a small Church dating back to 1400 and built by the Confraternity of Madonna del Monte founded by Blessed Francesco Piani from Caldarola in 1448. It has undergone numerous additions and changes, as it is evidenced by the documents preserved in the archive of the Confraternity, until the sanctuary took its present appearance. Unfortunately the earthquake hit even this area, both in 1936 and especially the catastrophic one in 1997. As a matter of fact the sanctuary was closed because unusable, during the last ‘90ties , due to the earthquake. Since that time, thanks to the restorers’ work, the stuccoes have come to light and the whole Church has resumed its magnificent image.



The Attractions of Caldarola

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Caldarola