Cingoli - Church of San Domenico

San Domenico’s church was built at the beginning of the XIII century, according to tradition founded from San Domenico shortly before his death. From the original structure of thirteenth century remains very little having suffered over the centuries amendments and adjustments. In 1500, in particular, the church was the subject of numerous interventions that modified according to the new architectural taste, outside was erected a new bell tower but was the inside to be modified in a substantial manner.

But the most important and significant modification was the positioning of the big paint “Madonna del Rosario e Santi” of Lorenzo Lotto, finished by the venetian painter in the spring of 1539. The “Madonna del Rosario” in Cingoli dates back to the second sojourn of Lorenzo Lotto in The Marches. This work was commissioned by the local “Confraternita del Rosario”, a brotherhood residing in the Church of San Domenico. The painting is signed L. LOTVS and bears the date 1539 in Roman numbers. This work (389x265 cm) is considered one of Lotto’s masterpieces. Reading the painting from top to bottom and from left to right, you can see: the five Joyful Mysteries (the Annunciation of the Lord to Mary; the Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth; the Nativity; the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple; the Finding in the Temple), the five Sorrowful Mysteries (the Agony of Jesus in the Garden; the Scourging at the Pillar; the Crowning with Thorns; the Carrying of the Cross; the Crucifixion), and the five Glorious Mysteries (the Resurrection of Jesus; the Ascension into Heaven; the Descent of the Holy Spirit; the Assumption of Mary into Heaven; the Coronation of Mary).

Due to the earthquake occurred in 2016, the church is temporarily closed.

The Attractions of Cingoli

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Cingoli

Discover the itinerary Land of Popes

Land of Popes

The magnificent places that gave birth to great Popes

Art and Culture   Spirituality and Meditation   3 days

Discover the itinerary Lorenzo Lotto -Painter

Lorenzo Lotto -Painter

Born in Venice around 1480, the young artist Lorenzo Lotto chose to move to Treviso. There Lotto formed a relationship with the humanist circle of Bishop Bernardo De Rossi from Parma, which straight away provided him with advantageous and profitable commissions. In 1508 Lotto was called to the Vatican in Rome to paint the rooms of the new apartment of Julius II. During the period between 1509 and 1516 the movements of the Venetian artist are somewhat obscure. The following decade, spent in Bergamo, was undoubtedly Lotto’s happiest and most creative period. At the end of 1525, after an absence of 20 years, he decided to return to Venice where however the rising star of Titian, with his sensuous and joyful painting, precluded the favour of the patrons towards Lotto. He died in the Marche in 1556 and was buried, at his request, in a Dominican friar’s habit. Lotto accomplished many works in the Marche, providing testimony to his genius and his remarkable personality.

Art and Culture   3 days

Discover the itinerary The organic production chain

The organic production chain

A list of companies and cooperatives working according to high quality standards

Skills and expertise   Taste and tradition   6 days