Fabriano - Abbey of S. Salvatore in Valdicastro


The abbey of S. Salvatore in Valdicastro was founded between 1005 and 1009 by Saint Romualdo who, in 1027, ended his days here.

The present building was renovated in 1262 and also further on. Master Tebaldo built is, as we can read in a long inscription inside the church.

The church we can admire today is in Gothic style, has three bays, three apses and under the transept you can find the crypt. On the walls of the church, many frescos dated from the XII to the XV Century, representing St. Christophorus, St.John the Baptist and St. Romuald, are still preserved. The altar consists of a Roman sarcophagus dated  3rd century b. C. which, for 400 years, was the resting place of Saint Romuald. His remains were translated on 6 February 1481 to the Church of S. Biagio in Fabriano where they are still preserved in the crypt, under the altar.

Very interesting is also the cross- vaulted cloister and the Chapter House. Only the crypt is left of the original building and it has very small windows curved inwards.

The monastery has become a private property and from 2006 a farm-house.


The Attractions of Fabriano

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Fabriano