Valleremita - Hermitage of S. Maria of Valdisasso


The village of Valleremita takes its name from an ancient Benedictine monastery that housed, according to tradition, San Francesco (1210) in his passage to Fabriano. In 1405 it was handed over to Chiavello Chiavelli, lord of Fabriano, and perhaps at that time the monastery was adorned with the precious polyptych by Gentile, that during the Napoleonic theft, moved to the newly established Pinacoteca in Brera in 1811. Then it passed to the Franciscans and became one of the largest monastery in the region in the seventeenth century; today the Church, rebuilt with original retains materials has its undeniable charm, thanks to the strong bond that San Francesco had with Fabriano, as attested by various scholars. The hermitage is immersed into the greenery and surrounded by woods.

The restoration and enhancement of the hermitage of Sasso di Valleremita financed by the Marche Region, arise from several needs, all of great social, cultural, historical importance, and it is made possible thanks to the combination of various public authorities with the fundamental contribution of the Community of Minor Friars who have always lived in this structure and have made one of the most important world centres of Franciscan spirituality over the centuries. The works began in February 2012 and in two years they restored and returned to the community 1,500 square meters of the original complex. Thanks to the digs premises, ancient walls and an antique fountain were found. The Marche Region has the aim at creating a centre with many functions: meetings; conventions and initiatives related to the enhancement of culture and tourism of the territory; welcoming groups interested in learning about its historical and artistic-architectural aspects and as an important Franciscan reality in the Marche region . A new way of dialogue between religious and laical people, open and respectful of different identities.
Fabriano is surrounded by lush landscapes and uncontaminated nature that makes it a good example of successful union between architecture and urban morphology.

The Attractions of Fabriano

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Fabriano