Falerone - Falerio Picenus Archaelogical Park


The archaelogical park mainly includes the urban area of the old town of Falerio Picenus, as well as the cemetery areas and suburban villas. The 30-hectare area can be divided into two parties: the first one affected by human activity; and the second one almost totally cultivated, and therefore ideal for research. The area stretches along the State Road 210.

It one of the best-preserved Roman theatre of the Marche Region, and it still used in summer for various performances. Nowadays, the first and the second order of the tiers (media and imma cavea), part of the stage building, the prospect of the proscenium in circular and rectangular niches are currently preserved and have been recently restored

The Civic Archaelogical Museum of Falerone is located two km far from the archaeological area. It allows visitors to have a deeper knowledge about the old Roman town, by showing objects from the local culture, craft products (instrumentum domesticum), and from artistic events (memorial stones, funerary areas, architectural statue and sculptures) and by giving information through the epigraphic documentation of the administrative and territorial system. Other remains of the town are preserved in various museums: floor mosaics at the Vatican Museums and at the Ascoli Piceno Archaelogical Museum, the head of Augustus and many pieces at the Antiquarium of Fermo and at the National Archaelogical Museum of Ancona.


Falerone - Falerio Picenus Archaelogical Park

Via Pozzo
Falerone (FM)
333.5816389 - 0734.710750 (Comune) 0734.710751 (Comune)


The Attractions of Falerone

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Falerone

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Archaeological Marche

A journey into the past

Art and Culture   5 days

Discover the itinerary The organic production chain

The organic production chain

A list of companies and cooperatives working according to high quality standards

Skills and expertise   Taste and tradition   6 days