Falerone - Roman Theatre

Representing the ancient Roman city of Falerio Picenus, the theatre is the best preserved monument in the Marche region, despite much of its decoration has been subject to raids. The monument is today in the Archaeological Park of Falerone, at the Eastern end of the urban area and has an auditorium of 49,20 m. in diameter. The structure dates back to the Augustan period and, as also reported by Suetonius, it was embellished in the mid-second century. A.D. by the statues donated by Antonia Picentina, priestess of Diva Faustina, wife of Antoninus Pius. The theatre is still today as a monumental building isolated in the countryside, in the shade of an oak tree, and at the end of a short walkway. Thanks to recent renovations, are still visible the first and second order of the steps, scenic part of the building, the prospectus of the proscenium in circular and rectangular niches, alternated at the base of the scene frons wall. Isolated in the countryside, the theatre today hosts important theatrical seasons. Many of the artefacts found in the area are now preserved in the Archaeological Museum of Falerone, to be seen in order to complete the visit of the Park.

Falerone - Roman Theatre

Va Pozzo
Falerone (FM)
+39 3335816389

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