Mogliano - Church and Convent of S. Colomba

The advent of Friars Minor in S. Colomba, dependent on the Abbey of Pubblica (Piobblico) in Sarnano, dates back to the early '300.

In the first half of the fourteenth century the old settlement underwent a major restoration, so that it constituted a new building. This is attested by a rescript of the Bishop of Fermo Giacomo who, in 1338, granted an indulgence of forty days to anyone who would visit the Church and help it. Later, around 1360, the Franciscans accepted the invitation of the parish priest of the Church of S. Gregorio to move inside the castle of Mogliano and to build a new convent adjoining it. According to local historians, the monastery of S. Colomba was demolished to rebuild, with the remaining material, the new one. The Church however remained open for worship.
The Church of S. Colomba di Mogliano has an impressive panelled ceiling painted by G. B. Fagiani, from Mogliano, between 1750 and 1752. Behind the altar, a valuable painting by Durante Nobili, one of Lotto's pupils: Madonna and Child Enthroned with the Saints Giuseppe, Colomba, Giovanni Battista, Francesco from Assisi and Benedetto (1554). Of great beauty the cloister, dating back to the beginning of the eighteenth century with its frescoed lunettes and wood furnishings.

Mogliano - Church and Convent of S. Colomba

Via S. Colomba
Mogliano (MC)
0733.557771 0733.557771

Belongs to: Franciscan places
Recommended for: Culture

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Itineraries to visit Mogliano

Discover the itinerary Lorenzo Lotto -Painter

Lorenzo Lotto -Painter

Born in Venice around 1480, the young artist Lorenzo Lotto chose to move to Treviso. There Lotto formed a relationship with the humanist circle of Bishop Bernardo De Rossi from Parma, which straight away provided him with advantageous and profitable commissions. In 1508 Lotto was called to the Vatican in Rome to paint the rooms of the new apartment of Julius II. During the period between 1509 and 1516 the movements of the Venetian artist are somewhat obscure. The following decade, spent in Bergamo, was undoubtedly Lotto’s happiest and most creative period. At the end of 1525, after an absence of 20 years, he decided to return to Venice where however the rising star of Titian, with his sensuous and joyful painting, precluded the favour of the patrons towards Lotto. He died in the Marche in 1556 and was buried, at his request, in a Dominican friar’s habit. Lotto accomplished many works in the Marche, providing testimony to his genius and his remarkable personality.

Art and Culture   3 days