Osimo- Sanctuary to the Sorrowful Blessed Vergin in Campocavallo di Osimo


About 3 kilometres far from Osimo, in the hamlet Campocavallo, you can find the Sanctuary to the Blessed Vergin. It was built at the end of the 19th century by the architect Costantini on the site where on 16th June 1892, inside a tiny church, the first of a long series of miraculous events occurred in connection with the image worshipped there. It’s a reproduction of the Vergin Mary holding Jesus' lifeless body on her lap with eyes full of immense sorrow watching upwards. The portrayed Madonna was seen many times move her eyes and cry.

Every year, since 1939, on the first Sunday of August people celebrate the Covo Festival  in honour of the Sorrowful Madonna. "Covo" is an artistic creation done completely by hand using ears of corn. This tradition was started by a group of farmers who made a garland made of ears of corn in order to organize a procession and offer it to the sacred image of the Vergin to thank her for the obtained harvest and to express their devotion. During the years this festival has gained more importance and prestige. These artistic creations represent nowadays international pilgrimage routes and goals ( such as Lourdes, Fatima, Santiago de Compostela, the Basilica of Saint Peter in Rome, etc.) and they are often brought to these churches and sanctuaries in order to be exhibited there.

Most “covi” are housed at the museum of Campocavallo, near the sanctuary, so that they can be promoted and transmitted to new generations. These authentic masterpieces of manual work are a result of a farmer’s culture and of the deep popular devotion of the people from Osimo in the past.


Osimo- Sanctuary to the Sorrowful Blessed Vergin in Campocavallo di Osimo

Via Cagiata, 101
Osimo (AN)
071 7133003

OPENING TIME: Mass celebrations: on non- working days at 7:00 a.m. and 18:30 p.m.; on days before holidays: 8:30;on holidays: 8:00 - 9:30 -11:00 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Belongs to: Shrines

The Attractions of Osimo

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Osimo