By getting to Mount Torrone, we enter the Ussita municipality territory. The origin of the name, which the town shares with the creek flowing into its valley, is uncertain. According to an hypothesis, the word is connected to an Albanian term which means “impetuous water”, but others say it is related to the Latin “Exitus”, as to refer to an exit, a passage; other versions refer to the Ussite Sannite tribe. At any rate, we are here in the very heart of the Sibillini mountains, in the centre of the National Park, in a municipality whose many boroughs are scattered in a valley at the slopes of the imposing Mount Bove, and on a privileged starting point for climbings either to its north peak (2169 metres above sea level) or to its south peak (2169 meters), or to Mount Bicco (2052 metres), which are in the story of mountain climbing. All around, Alpine landscapes by a rare beauty, rich with flora and fauna and boasting an air so clean that, in the brightest days, gazing east one can see the Adriatic sea. This beautiful position leads to Ussita, on every Summer, many tourists to whom are also proposed cultural activities and artistic tours. In the wintertime, furthermore, lovers of ski find in Frontignano the best ski lifts of the region.
To see: The itinerary of “Terre Mutate” (Changed lands), Ice Palace in Ussita, Ussita - Ditch La Foce, Ussita - Stream "Ussita"