Visso - Visitors Center "Rifugio di Cupi"

Il CEA è situato nel Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini nelle vicinanze dell’altopiano di Macereto nel cuore del paese di Cupi di Visso (MC) ed offre attività didattiche, turistiche, campi estivi ed invernali e molto altro. Il paesaggio e l’ambiente, sono tipici dell’alta montagna appenninica per la flora e le associazioni vegetali pascolive che vi si rinvengono.

A causa del sisma 2016, la struttura è attualmente chiusa.

The Attractions of Visso

 Attraction location

Visso things to Watch

Discover the attraction Visso - Sanctuary of Macereto

Visso - Sanctuary of Macereto

The Sanctuary of Macereto is on the homonymous plateau of Macereto, near Visso, in the Sibillini mountains, and it’s an extraordinary example of...

Discover the attraction Fiastra - Visitor Center and Wildlife Area of the Chamois of the Apennines

Fiastra - Visitor Center and Wildlife Area of the Chamois of the Apennines

The Visitor Center on Chamois in Fiastra houses Casa del Parco houses Casa del Parco and manages Bolognola wildlife area, created within the...

Discover the attraction Fiastra - Piani di Ragnolo

Fiastra - Piani di Ragnolo

Piani di Ragnolo (Ragnolo Plains), one of the most beautiful areas in the Sibillini mountains, are shared by the Fiastra and Sarnano municipalities. They are a...

Discover the attraction Lago di Fiastra

Lago di Fiastra

This lake is the largest hydroelectric reservoir of  The Marches. It lies in a valley surrounded by beautiful hills at the foothills of the Sibillini...

Discover the attraction Fiastra (hamlet Acquacanina) - Rio Sacro and Monte Rotondo Falls

Fiastra (hamlet Acquacanina) - Rio Sacro and Monte Rotondo Falls

Rio Sacro is one of the main attractions of the corner of the Sibillini Mountains near Acquacanina.A long time ago here stood a Benedictine abbey. The valley of...

Discover the attraction Fiastra (hamlet Acquacanina) - Abbey of San Salvatore di Rio Sacro

Fiastra (hamlet Acquacanina) - Abbey of San Salvatore di Rio Sacro

The abbey of S. Maria in Rio Sacro is in the hamlet Acquacanina, not far from the Fiastra lake. Originally the abbey was called San Salvatore di Rio Sacro...


Itineraries to visit Visso

Discover the itinerary Regional and National Parks

Regional and National Parks

Nature lovers will not be disappointed in the Marche!

Parks and Active Nature   7 days

Discover the itinerary Via Lauretana

Via Lauretana

A Holy and cultural itinerary along the Via Lauretana

Art and Culture   Spirituality and Meditation   2 days

Discover the itinerary Important Sanctuaries

Important Sanctuaries

The symbolic places of Christianity

Spirituality and Meditation   5 days