Camerano- Living Nativity in the underground town


Not to miss during your Christmas holidays is the magic Living Nativity set in the underground itinerary of the Caves of Camerano. In this fascinating setting you’ll find craftsmen, Arabs, inn keepers and, of course, the nativity.

The Living Nativity is also the occasion to visit the Ricotti Cave, one of the most interesting areas of the Caves of Camerano, not only because it’s undoubtedly an underground church but also because it’s within a cliff called "Saxon" under the remains of the church of St. Apollinare influenced by the style of Ravenna, built before the year 1000 and annexed to the medieval castle.

Also the architectural details of this cave are very interesting, as it’s completely carved into the rock. Comparisons can be made with other underground areas in the Mediterranean Sea and in particular with the hermitages of the Basilian monks, due to the presence on the ceiling of a Greek cross inscribed within a circle in low relief.


Camerano- Living Nativity in the underground town

Grotte di Camerano
Camerano (AN)

OPENING TIME: 12/27, 12/29, 1/5

Recommended for: Family

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