Ancona - C.A.S.

The CAS (Underwater Activities Centre) was founded in Ancona in 1965 by a group of friends who shared a common passion for the sea. It is registered in the  F.I.P.S.A.S. Sport Federation (Italian Federation of Sport Fishing Underwater Activities). The centre organizes courses, taught by FIPSAS instructors, in order to take different licences: Apnea, Sub, MINISUB. Oxygen providers and BLS are some of the courses available. The third level licenced  students can become Federal Guides and Assistant Instructors and take part in the educational activities of the Club.
Besides water activities, the C.A.S. organizes seminars to spread the knowledge and of the fabulous underwater world; it also arranges skiing holidays, dinners and trips.

The Attractions of Ancona

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Ancona