Corinaldo - "Contesa del Pozzo della Polenta" (Contest of the Well of Polenta)


The year 2017 will mark the five hundredth anniversary since the siege of Corinaldo by the army of Francesco Maria I della Rovere, the ousted Duke of Urbino, to whom the town withstood a twenty-three-days offensive, making the Arx Munitissima Corinalti famous all over Europe for his outstanding defense. For over thirty years the Association Pozzo della Polenta evokes the festivities that were held following the liberation from the siege and also the raising of Corinaldo to the rank of city, by Pope Leo X on 6th December 1517, to reward the population of its courage. The "Contesa del Pozzo della Polenta" (Contest of the Well of Polenta) is the oldest historical re-enactment in the province of Ancona. It celebrates the famous Well which guaranteed the water supply during the siege: legend has it that a farmer, climbing the broad staircase at the centre of which is the well, laid on its edge a bag of cornmeal, which fell inside, the flour mingled with water and so it was that the inhabitants of Corinaldo made the "Polenta in the Well". Since a long time the "Historic Group City of Corinaldo"  carries on an all-Italian tradition of historical re-enactments with processions and exhibitions in squares, on the occasion of which you can also attend performances such as of: musicians with drums and trumpets to recreate the long cadenced marches of soldiers going to the battle, accompanied by an accurate and spectacular choreography; flag-wavers, who with their technical performances bring back to life the sixteenth century manuals on the "Art of Handling a Flag"; archers perform in a spectacular launch of arrows on targets either fixed or mobile and with human towers or with flaming arrows to test the skills of each single archer.


Corinaldo - "Contesa del Pozzo della Polenta" (Contest of the Well of Polenta)

Via Tarducci, 21
Corinaldo (AN)
071.679043 071.679043

Recommended for: Family - Culture

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