Monte San Giusto - Infiorata of Monte San Giusto

In Monte San Giusto, every year in June, on the occasion of the Corpus Domini procession after the evening Mass, the traditional Flower Festival is held.
In a mixture of sacredness, faith and art, the solemn procession through the streets of the old town is lead by beautiful floral artistic carpets designed by the citizenry, the image designs of which start months before and their realization on Sunday, early in the morning. The entire citizenry is called to take part in the realization of the floral works that change year after year, on the theme shared between active citizenship and parish.


Monte San Giusto - Infiorata of Monte San Giusto

Via Bonafede, 28
Monte San Giusto (MC)
+39 0733 839011

Recommended for: Family - Culture

The Attractions of Monte San Giusto

 Attraction location

Monte San Giusto things to Watch

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Monte San Giusto - Church of Santa Maria della Pietà in Telusiano

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Montecosaro - Abbey Santa Maria a Piè di Chienti

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Corridonia - Art gallery

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Corridonia - Museum "F. Corridoni

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Macerata - Diaz Gardens

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Cicconi Theatre

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